Microwaving Whole Foods Rotisserie Chicken

Do you have leftover Whole Foods rotisserie chicken that needs to be reheated? Repurposing uneaten rotisserie chicken is one of the most irresistible shortcuts when it comes to meal prep. 

Buying rotisserie chicken from Whole Foods is a relatively easy way of feeding your family when short on time.

Microwave is a pretty convenient and fast way to reheat chicken, whether it is rotisserie or oven-roasted at home. 

How do you microwave Whole Foods rotisserie chicken?

Start by placing the chicken on a microwave-safe plate, cover with a damp paper towel, and nuke it on medium-high heat for 2 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 74 degrees Celsius or 165 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Reheating time will vary depending on the appliance wattage and how much chicken meat is being reheated, so repeat the process until the chicken warms to your desired temperature.

After reaching 165 degrees Fahrenheit using a meat thermometer at the center of the thickest part, remove it from the microwave and serve while hot.

Rotisserie chicken is used in various ways, either shred it up to add it to soups and stews or even press it in sandwiches. However, it can be frustrating to overcook and dry out the rotisserie chicken. 

Whole Foods isn’t the only place to get ready-to-eat meals, Costco rotisserie chicken also makes a tasty meal prep. 

After properly storing leftover rotisserie chicken, it can be heated and served to be a part of any meal.

Reheating the chicken in the microwave is the quickest and easiest method. It will take you up to 2 minutes with no need to worry about overcooking the tender and delicious rotisserie chicken leftovers. 

In this article, we will cover how to reheat Whole Foods rotisserie chicken in the microwave so that it remains moist and tasty. Answered below are frequently asked questions about reheating rotisserie chicken from Whole Foods, and the best way to maintain its appeal.

Can you Reheat Whole Foods Rotisserie Chicken in a Microwave?

Yes, reheating rotisserie chicken in your microwave is quick and easy. Reheat to reach an internal temperature of 74 degrees Celsius or 165 degrees Fahrenheit so that the perishable food is considered safe to eat.

No need to wait for the oven to heat up; it is okay to microwave leftover rotisserie chicken. However, it is advisable to reheat small chicken pieces instead of the whole chicken all at one time.

Put the chicken you are going to warm up separately and removing the bones is recommended for better reheating. However, if you are reheating chicken with bones, microwaving may take a bit longer.

To prevent drying out the chicken, wrap the chicken pieces with a damp paper towel. Put the chicken in the microwave-safe bowl and heat at 30-second intervals, flip and rotate and then continue nuking. 

Keep checking after every increment until the preferred temperature is achieved. Remove the chicken from the microwave and serve hot.

Is it Safe to Reheat Whole Foods Rotisserie Chicken in a Microwave?

Yes, you can safely reheat whole rotisserie chicken in the microwave. As long as the uneaten chicken is properly stored, then it should be safe to reheat to an internal temperature of 74°C or 165°F. 

However, it is recommended to cut it into small pieces and remove bones if possible to reduce cooking time and prevent uneven temperature due to hotspots. 

Ensure using a microwave-safe plate or bowl before placing it in the microwave instead of using the original package to avoid consuming harmful chemicals leaching out when microwaving plastic.

How Long Do You Reheat Whole Foods Rotisserie Chicken in Microwave?

Depending on the power wattage of the microwave, reheating whole rotisserie chicken cooking time may vary. On average, it should take approximately 2 minutes in a 1000-watt microwave oven.

For best results, reheat at 30-second increments so that you can flip and rotate the chicken after each period. Keep checking every 30 seconds whether it’s thoroughly hot until achieving the preferred temperature.

How Do You Know When Whole Foods Rotisserie Chicken Is Reheated in Microwave?

Fully reheated Whole Foods rotisserie chicken will be steaming, smell like roasted chicken, and be hot to the touch.

The best way to know when Whole Foods rotisserie chicken is reheated is by using a meat thermometer. Reheat the meat at medium to high heat in the microwave until reaching an internal temperature of 165 degrees F or 74 degrees C. 

Checking after every 30 seconds will help gauge when the chicken is hot and ready to eat.

Cut through the thickest part of the chicken and place the meat thermometer at the center to check if the temperature is up to your desired temperature. 

The safe temperature to consume reheated chicken is 165 degrees Fahrenheit or 74 degrees Celsius.

Reheating the whole chicken in the microwave is possible, but if you take time to cut it into small pieces before microwaving it will help you reheat quickly.

How to Store Whole Foods Rotisserie Chicken

Store leftover Whole Foods rotisserie chicken in the fridge or freezer in an airtight container and cool below 40 degrees Fahrenheit within 2 hours of being cooked.

According to the USDA food safety guidelines, chicken is a perishable food that must be refrigerated within 2 hours of being cooked to be considered safe to reheat. 

Otherwise, it should be eaten within 4 hours of cooking to be safe to eat.

When there is leftover Whole Foods rotisserie chicken after a big family dinner, storing it the right way can save you for the next meal, whether it be for a salad, soup, or sandwiches. 

Properly storing chicken can result, in moistness, flavor, and texture once it is reheated in the microwave. 

Store it in a shallow container to allow it to cool fast. Consider transferring rotisserie chicken to increase the shelf life instead of keeping it in the original package.

Place it in a shallow airtight container or transfer it to a sealable Ziploc bag, then place it in the refrigerator. If the chicken is properly stored, it will last 3-4 days in the fridge.

To extend the shelf of rotisserie chicken further, freeze it in an airtight container or heavy-duty freezer bag. Make sure that it is fully cooled before placing it in the freezer, steam will develop ice crystals that result in freezer burn. 

Tips to Reheat Whole Foods Rotisserie Chicken in Microwave

If you only serve one or two people, finishing a whole rotisserie chicken seems impossible. With proper storing technique, you can keep it fresh in the fridge or freezer depending on when the next meal is. 

Reheating chicken in the microwave requires more than pressing a button, otherwise, it may dry out. 

Here are useful microwave tips when you need to reheat Whole Foods rotisserie chicken quickly:

  • When reheating rotisserie chicken in the microwave, stick to a high heat setting. Microwaving at a low heat setting will only take so long, yet it doesn’t do anything for your chicken. 
  • Microwave for short increments and check back frequently. Heating for too long can result in drying up your chicken and altering its flavor. 
  • Cover the rotisserie chicken with a damp paper towel or microwavable lid to trap moisture and build up steam that heats more efficiently.
  • Consider heating the rotisserie chicken in 30-second increments to maintain the juicy and tender-tasting chicken.
  • When microwaving the chicken, add water, chicken broth, or your favorite sauce at the bottom of the dish for moisture.
  • For smaller chicken pieces, consume them within two days, while a whole chicken can remain fresh for up to 3 days.

Best Way to Reheat Whole Foods Rotisserie Chicken in The Microwave

When reheating chicken breast, leg, or thigh in a microwave, smaller pieces are a lot more efficient and time-saving instead of nuking the entire Whole Foods rotisserie chicken. 

Sometimes it can be challenging to reheat meat, especially in a microwave, as they often become overcooked or end up losing their flavor. Some people don’t keep leftover meat because they simply can’t stand what comes out of the microwave after heating. 

Luckily, microwaving leftover Whole Foods rotisserie chicken will not compromise the taste and flavor.

Start by removing the rotisserie chicken from the fridge put it on a microwavable container or plate and cover it with microwave-safe plastic wrap or a damp paper towel. If possible, give it a couple of minutes to even out at room temperature before reheating. 

Place in the microwave and heat on high heat for 30-second durations for a total of 2 minutes. Check the chicken thoroughly for cold spots and insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the meat.

If it is not completely hot and still has cold spots, consider throwing it back into the microwave for an extra 30 seconds to 1 minute. Make sure to flip and rotate to the other side after each interval.

When the chicken attains a safe temperature to eat, remove it from the microwave and enjoy.

Reheating Whole Foods Rotisserie Chicken in Microwave: Conclusion

When reheating Whole Foods rotisserie chicken, the microwave is the quickest and easiest way, but chicken can dehydrate if not done correctly.

Everyone wants to have moist rotisserie chicken with its original flavor after reheating, so overcooking is not an option. 

Adding a splash of water will do you some good, but for best results cover the plate with a damp paper towel. This will help to keep the moisture trapped and steam will prevent it from drying out.

If you reheat the chicken in the right way using the microwave, it will do wonders for you. Consider slicing the chicken into smaller pieces to make the reheating even more efficient. 

Adjust the microwave to a high power setting and microwave chicken for 30 seconds at a time. Having short cooking times allows you to keep a watchful eye on it, flip it after each interval, and heat it without overcooking. 

In between the reheating increments, turn the chicken pieces on the other side to get even heat throughout the meat. 

When the meat thermometer measures the center of the chicken so it reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit or 74 degrees Celsius, then it is ready to serve. 

Reheating Whole Foods rotisserie chicken in the microwave is safe and easy to do. Prevent overheating and drying out the chicken by following these microwaving tips that help you avoid potential food-borne illnesses.